10 AI-powered tools that are changing the creative landscape

Artificial intelligence (AI) is rapidly transforming the creative landscape. From generating music to writing code, AI is being used to create new and innovative ways to express ourselves.

Here are 10 AI-powered tools that are changing the creative landscape:

  1. Lexica.art is a website that allows users to create and share AI-generated art. 
  2. Descript is an AI-powered video editing tool that allows users to edit videos without having to learn how to use complex editing software. 
  3. Mubert is an AI-powered music generation tool that allows users to create custom music
  4. Uberduck.ai is an AI-powered text-to-speech tool that allows users to create custom voiceovers. Users can provide Uberduck.ai with a text prompt, and Uberduck.ai will generate a voiceover that matches the prompt.
  5. Nvidia Canvas is an AI-powered painting tool that allows users to create realistic paintings
  6. Replicate.com is an AI-powered code generation tool that allows users to generate code by providing a few simple instructions. Replicate.com can be used to generate code for a variety of tasks, such as web development, data science, and machine learning.
  7. Lumalabs.ai is an AI-powered image editing tool that allows users to edit images by providing a few simple instructions. 
  8. ChatGPT is an AI-powered chatbot that can be used to generate text, translate languages, and write different kinds of creative content. 
  9. Supermeme.ai is an AI-powered meme generator that allows users to create custom memes
  10. Kaiber.ai is an AI-powered creative writing tool that helps users write better stories

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