NASA’s Perseverance Mars rover has crushed its previous record for turning the planet’s thin atmosphere into a source of oxygen, an exciting experiment that could have major implications for our future plans to visit the Red Planet.

The rover’s Mars Oxygen In Situ Resource Utilization Experiment (MOXIE) achieved a major milestone earlier this month, reports, doubling the experiment’s previous production level.

Over 58 minutes, MOXIE achieved a production rate of roughly 12 grams of oxygen an hour, about twice as much as was expected.

“We rolled the dice a little bit. It was ‘hold your breath and see what happens,'” Hecht told

The instrument works by pumping Martian air into a reservoir and then using an electrochemical process to rip an oxygen atom from each carbon dioxide molecule. The process isn’t without risk, as the solid carbon byproduct can build up inside the device.

Over 2021, MOXIE ran one-hour experiments on seven occasions, even during the harsh Martian winter.

Unfortunately, funding for the experiment is set to run out by the end of the year, according to, meaning Hecht and his colleagues are now on the lookout for new collaborators.

“It’s all about lifetime,” Hecht told “We run an hour at a time. To do this in the future we will have to run for 10,000 hours.”

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