Tech manufacturer Samsung has been teasing a foldable smartphone since 2014, and last week it finally provided the world with its first glimpse of such a device at its annual developers conference. The demonstration didn’t reveal too much about the device, other than the fact that it looks like a typical rectangular smartphone until the user unfolds it like a book, at which point its size is more comparable to a tablet.

According to Yonhap‘s sources, Samsung is calling its foldable phone the Galaxy F, and it plans to release the device in March 2019.

As for the price, Yonhap’s sources say the Galaxy F will set consumers back approximately $1,770 — substantially more than any other Samsung smartphone.

The Galaxy F’s price tag might be a jaw-dropper, but it comes with a head-scratcher: The device will not support 5G, the next generation in wireless connectivity.

This is particularly surprising given that the smartphone manufacturer’s Galaxy S10, which it will release in February, will reportedly include a 5G option. Ultimately, Samsung is asking consumers to pay an awful lot of money for a phone that might end up being slower than cheaper devices that are coming out at roughly the same time.

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